Strengthening Institutions and curriculum: Study Program Managers Present at the Symposium of the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy Association

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Tuesday 24-26 October 2023 Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty and manager of the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy Study Program attended the Symposium of the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy Association at Raden Intan State Islamic University, Lampung.

This Symposium event raised the theme of Scientific and Institutional Development of Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy in the Era of Society 0.5. This theme was chosen as an answer to the scientific challenges that are developing in Indonesia and positions the Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Study program as a scientific core, as stated by the Event Committee.

Dr. Kholid al Walid as the procedium of the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy Association said that the association was present in order to strengthen the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy study program in Indonesian universities both from institutional and curriculum aspects in responding to the challenges of the world of work both regionally and globally.

This event was attended by managers of the Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Study Program throughout Indonesia. This aims to share knowledge with each other and find concrete formulations of study program problems. Meanwhile, from IAIN Kudus, the Dean of the Ushuluddin Faculty, Dr. H. Ahmad Atabik, M.S.I, mother of Dr. Irzum Farihah, M.Si as Deputy Dean 2, Mrs. Dr. Hj. Ulya, M.Ag, senior lecturer in the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy Study Program and Moh Muhtador, Secretary of the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy Study Program.

This event resulted in three major formulations, namely determining Learning Outcomes (LO), Body of Knowledge and Courses offered by the Association. These three points are very important in presenting the involvement of the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy association as a joint parent of higher education, according to the deputy chairman of the Islamic Aqidah and Philosophy Association.



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