Collaborative dedication of the Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy study program with the KUA of Jekulo Subdistrict conducting Religious Assistance to Muallaf

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Kudus, November 26, 2023. The Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Study Program has carried out community service activities at the Office of Religious Affairs, Jekulo District, Kudus Regency. The implementation of this service aims to improve the quality of education, research, service and human resource development. This community service activity was attended by the Vice Dean 2 of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, the Head of the AFI Study Program, the Secretary of the AFI Study Program, the Chairman of MWC NU, the Chairman of MUI, Islamic Religious Counselors, and Muallaf in Jekulo District, as well as AFI Study Program Students.

The main focus of this service is religious assistance to converts who live in Jekulo District. In addition to realizing the importance of this program needed by the community, it also provides an opportunity for students to actualize directly with the community. This is very important for the existence of higher education institutions that should integrate themselves with the community.

The activity began with an opening filled with remarks, assistance with the delivery of material by the three speakers, namely the Chairman of MWC NU Jekulo District, Chairman of MUI Jekulo District, and Secretary of AFI Study Program. Followed by a question and answer discussion by coaching participants. Then closed with the signing of the MOA as a form of cooperation between the Ushuluddin faculty and the KUA of Jekulo District.

In his remarks, the Head of the AFI Study Program expressed his gratitude and thanks to the KUA of Jekulo District for helping to make community service activities a success. "On this occasion, it is a positive activity that should be carried out regularly. This activity is also an initial capital for mentoring and a form of interaction with the community to provide mutual benefits."  He said.

Religious mentoring activities for muallaf received full appreciation from all parties. New Muslim brothers and sisters must continue to be given guidance that Islam is not only limited to saying the two sentences of shahada and praying, but also doing good deeds that benefit others. Hopefully, this activity will be followed up in the future, not only stopping at today's assistance, institutions and students will be happy to be involved again.

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