Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Monthly Discussion Highlights: Promoting Interreligious Peace and Dialogue

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Kudus, Indonesia - July 17, 2024 - The Faculty of Ushuluddin at IAIN Kudus successfully hosted the Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Monthly Discussion, featuring esteemed speakers Dr. Irzum Farihah, M.Si, and Dr. Laassiri Abdallah, PhD. The event, held on July 17, 2024, focused on the theme of "Local and Global Interreligious Dialogue to Maintain Sustainable Peace."

The event commenced at 1:30 PM WIB with an opening ceremony led by the Dean of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, who emphasized the importance of fostering interreligious dialogue to promote peace and understanding in an increasingly diverse world.

The first speaker, Dr. Irzum Farihah, M.Si, delivered an insightful presentation on "The Role of the Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Program in Maintaining Interreligious Peace." Dr. Farihah highlighted the significant contributions of the program in promoting harmony among different religious communities. She discussed various initiatives and collaborative projects undertaken by the program to bridge gaps and foster mutual respect and understanding.

Dr. Farihah emphasized the importance of education in shaping perspectives and attitudes towards different faiths. "Our program is dedicated to nurturing students who are not only knowledgeable in Aqidah and Islamic philosophy but also committed to being ambassadors of peace in their communities," she stated.

Following Dr. Farihah's presentation, Dr. Laassiri Abdallah, PhD from the Wisdom Center for Religious Studies and Intercultural Dialogue in Morocco, took the stage to discuss "The Future of Intercultural Dialogue in a Changing World." Dr. Abdallah provided a comprehensive analysis of the current state of intercultural dialogue globally and the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

He highlighted the critical role of intercultural dialogue in addressing contemporary issues such as globalization, migration, and technological advancements. "In a rapidly changing world, intercultural dialogue is essential for fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse communities. It is the key to building a peaceful and inclusive future," Dr. Abdallah remarked.

The presentations were followed by a dynamic Q&A session, where participants had the opportunity to engage directly with the speakers. Attendees posed thoughtful questions and shared their own experiences, contributing to a rich and meaningful discussion. The interactive session allowed for a deeper exploration of the topics and fostered a sense of community among the participants.

In his closing remarks, the Dean reiterated the Faculty's commitment to promoting interreligious dialogue and peace through continued educational initiatives and collaborations. He encouraged attendees to apply the insights gained from the discussion in their own communities and to remain committed to the cause of peace.

The Aqidah and Islamic Philosophy Monthly Discussion successfully highlighted the crucial role of interreligious dialogue in maintaining sustainable peace. With thought-provoking presentations and engaging discussions, the event underscored the importance of education, collaboration, and mutual respect in building a harmonious and inclusive world. The Faculty of Ushuluddin at IAIN Kudus looks forward to continuing its efforts in this vital area and hosting future discussions that contribute to global peace and understanding.

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